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Discover The Perfect Service To Elevate Your Child’s Communication.

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Contact for additional information and availability.


Speech Evaluations

I use a combination of parent interview, standardized testing, and informal assessment tools to pinpoint your child’s strengths and areas of need, develop a plan for intervention, and establish measurable goals to guide therapy moving forward. A comprehensive report including behavioral observations, standardized testing scores, relevant diagnoses, a summary and analysis of findings, and recommendations is provided following the evaluation.




I provide individualized, office-based speech therapy. Session length and therapy frequency is individualized to each child and is based on the intensity of treatment required.

Speech therapy addresses skills, such as:

  • Following directions & understanding language

  • Using sounds, words, and gestures to communicate

  • Producing specific speech sounds

  • Conversational skills


AAC Evaluations

As a specialist in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), I utilize the feature matching process and principles of dynamic assessment to conduct thorough evaluations for low-tech, mod-tech, and high-tech AAC systems to identify an AAC system best fit to meet a child’s communications needs.

  • Adjustments & modifications to a child’s current AAC system to support success

  • Parent coaching on ways to best implement AAC


I specialize in treating:


+ Autism spectrum disorders

+ Receptive-expressive language disorders

+ childhood apraxia of speech

+ articulation delays/disorders

+ neurodevelopmental disorders

+social use of language/ pragmatics

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Elevate Your Child’s Communication With Outstanding Speech Therapy Today.

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