Posts tagged Aided Language Input
Aided Language Input: Communication Partner Strategies

I introduced aided language input, also referred to as modeling or aided language stimulation, in my last blog post. Aided language input is a strategy in which a communication partner uses a communicator’s Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system as they talk and interact with the individual. Modeling is the means by which an AAC user learns to use an AAC system.

Today, I’ll be sharing tips to become an effective modeler!

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Aided Language Input: What is it & Why is it Important?

Aided language input, also referred to as aided language stimulation or modeling, is a communication partner strategy in which a communication partner activates buttons or points to icons on a communicator’s Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system as they interact with the individual verbally (Goosens’, Crane, and Elder, 1992). For example, touching the button for “Look” as a communication partner verbally says, “Look at that!”

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