Posts in School Age Language
Why Wait?: The Power of the Pause.

Does anyone else feel as though we are moving a million miles a minute? Describing our society as fast-paced is an understatement. When you bring kids into the picture, things move even faster.

However, what happens when we pause? Slowing down is important for so many reasons (e.g., mental, physical, emotional). However, slowing down when talking with our children is especially important when we consider language development, particularly for those with language delays and disorders.

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Distinguishing Delay from Disorder: How long will my child need speech therapy?

Research shows that approximately 15% of toddlers exhibit delayed language skills whereas only 3% of preschoolers present with a language delay/disorder (Paul, 1996). This means that many toddlers with language delays will catch up to their typically-developing peers with speech therapy and/or time.

I don’t have a crystal ball to predict whether a child’s language delay will persist or resolve. However, research on language delays and disorders have identified factors that help us determine whether a child is at an increased risk of a language disorder, or language deficits that persist into school-age years and/or beyond.

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Core Word of the Week

With the Core Word of the Week, we focus on modeling one core word each week. It’s been amazing to observe the progress for both my kiddos and their families. As for the kids, they’re using core words to communicate in novel and flexible ways. As for the parents, they’ve become experts at modeling their child’s AAC system.

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