2022: Year in Review


It’s hard to believe the end of the year is here! As I iron out my January therapy schedule, I can’t help but think it was just yesterday that I was mapping out my summer schedule. Time flies!

Year after year, I’m reminded of how fortunate I am to be doing a job I absolutely love. Being a part of every child’s communication journey is something I don’t take for granted. I work with some pretty incredible kiddos and families that feel more like family than just clients. Thanks to them, I wake up feeling excited about my job day in and day out.

This year has been full of change. Admittedly, I’m not the best with change. I love the consistency and predictability that comes with routine. However, if entrepreneurship has taught me anything, it’s to adjust plans based on what is and isn’t working for me.

In the spring and summer, I was seeing 30 kids for home-based therapy across 4 boroughs. I adored treating in families’ homes, though I was spending far too much time commuting while carrying a heavy backpack full of toys around the city. I knew it was time for a change and that’s when the office search began.

In September, I transitioned to providing office-based therapy and it’s been a complete game changer for me and my practice. Not only do I feel more settled, but I’m also able to serve more kids while achieving a better work-life balance. I’d be remiss not to mention that I’m quite proud to be recognized as a “regular” at Blue Bottle and Mostrador, the restaurant at the Walker Hotel. My coffee and pain au chocolat intake has quadrupled in a matter of mere months (#NoRegrets). While transitioning to an office was nerve wracking, I’m proud of how my families and I have navigated the change.

It's amazing to think about the progress my kiddos and their families have made over the course of 2022. It has been a true privilege to be a part of their communication journeys and I look forward to many more milestones to come in 2023!

Cheers to a healthy holiday season!
